Yes, honey, you were right all along



LIVE: I am holding an open house  at my "traditional home" listing in Upper Rainier Beach. After this morning’s snow, the sky cleared and I loaded up the dog and some of my signs and headed over. I’ve been promoting this open since Friday via NWMLS, Craigslist, my blog and its RSS feeds, Twitter and Facebook. The marketing I have at for 10246 62nd Ave So, automatically syndicates to a number of other sites including Google Base, Zillow, Oodle, Backpage (I have received an email inquiry from someone who saw my ad at this site), HotPads, Vast, Trulia, Enormo, DotHomes, and FrontDoor among "Others".

Once I arrived and unloaded my bags I turned up the heat (I keep it at 63 degrees during showing hours, but when I am here I turn it up to 67), swept the floor, turned on lights and lit candles, made sure the Aerobed was fully inflated, and put a chicken pot pie in the oven. A local broker toured the house and I answered questions with broom in hand. And then I settled onto the loveseat with Sophia and instead of getting out a magazine like a usually do I broke out my new netbook and using my pocket PC as a wireless hub, connected to the Internet to WORK.

I admit, I enjoy doing open houses because it does give me three hours minimum of forced unplugged time to read or talk on the phone. Sometimes people tour the house, some days not a soul comes. But now that I have a way to get online…well, let me qualify that. My mobile device has enabled me for years to use the Internet. But the screen is so small and I am such a fast reader, I just don’t bother because I find it a frustrating experience. But with this new netbook – larger than a handheld mobile device but much smaller than a laptop – I can catch up on blogging, watch a movie over Netflix online, and make an attempt to catch up with the over 500 unread emails in my Inbox (subscriptions only, not personal messages).

My pot pie is out of the oven and cooling. And what am I going to do next? I am going to listen to the  audio from Friday’s keynote speech by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at the Built Green Conference. I blogged live for this event but as anyone knows you miss things when you are busy taking notes. So I am going to the site of another local green blogger, to watch the video he streamed live during the event. I haven’t met him, but I want to thank him for doing this so I could get another chance to hear these great jewels of wisdom!

Honey, you were right. I should have gotten a laptop long ago. But I am also glad I waited this long so I could have something small and manageable to enjoy instead of 15 pounds to lug around. I hope you are having a nice day at the race track!

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