Raising chickens in the city

I’m a country girl by upbringing and up until two years ago I was hell bent on building a chicken tractor and moving it around my 1/4 acre lot in West Seattle and having fresh eggs every morning. Then my husband strongly vetoed it (as in, absolutely no) and I punished him by moving us to a condo.

Not really how it went, but be that as it may, I *do* now live in a wonderful Built Green townhome and don’t have a yard. I am content to buy my eggs at the farmers market when I need them and they are almost as fresh as if I grew them myself.

But if YOU are dying to be an urban farmer, raising your allotted three chickens per 5,000 square foot lot (so if you have a larger lot you can hedge and have more chickens), here is a great little house for them. And a nice article from Natural Home Magazine. Just remember – NO ROOSTERS or someone is going to end up in the soup pot because of neighbor complaints.

Urban gardeners are flocking to chickens to keep bugs away and provide eggs and compost. Keeping backyard birds is easier than you might think.

Read Raising Chickens in the City

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